The Sole Bay Churches -
A family where everyone is welcome.
Whether you have been a follower of Jesus for many years or are currently searching for answers to the great questions of life, the Sole Bay Churches will welcome and support you as you continue your journey of exploration.
Through worship, fellowship, study, and other activities we come together to worship God, learn, and socialise together as we seek to follow the way of Jesus Christ. Come along and experience worship and fellowship either in person or online.
We promise that you will receive a warm welcome!
We run a wide range of services across the eight churches in the ministry. From Eucharist to Common Worship services we have something to support you on your faith journey .To view a full calendar of everything we have to offer please click the button below.
Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals
Our parish churches are available for weddings, baptism and funerals. For more information on this please click the button below.
Meet the Team
Click below to view the different members that make up the Sole Bay Team Ministry.
Christmas Services around the team
8th Dec - 3pm: Carol Service @ South Cove
15th Dec - 4pm: Carol Service by Candlelight @ Reydon
21st Dec - 4pm: Carol Service @ Blythburgh
22nd Dec - 11:15am: Carol Service @ Wangford
22nd Dec -3pm: Carol Service @ Sotherton
-6pm: Carol Service @ Southwold
23rd Dec - 5pm: Carol Service @ Walberswick
Christmas Eve
4pm - Christingle Service @ Southwold
4pm - Christingle Service @ Reydon
4:30pm - Crib Service @ Walberswick
5:30pm - Crib Service @ Blythburgh
6pm - Lessons and Carols @ Uggeshall
11pm - Midnight Communion @ Blythburgh; Reydon; Southwold
Christmas Day
8am - Holy Communion @ Southwold
9:30am - Christmas Morning Holy Communion @ Reydon and Walberswick, Christmas Morning Worship @ Southwold
10am - Christmas Morning Worship @ Blythburgh
11:15am - Christmas Morning Holy Communion @ Wangford
7th December - Reydon Lights Switch on and the Blessing of the Tree
Come and join us for this annual festive gathering. 7th Dec @ 5:30pm on Jubilee Green, Reydon
29th Dec 11:15am Team Service, Communion and farewell To Rev Alan Perry
This will be Rev Alan Perry’s last service with the Sole Bay Team Ministry. Join us to say farewell to Rev Alan & Sue as they enter retirement and a new phase in ministry. St Peter & St Paul, Wangford 11:15am
Clergy on Call - Mondays
With the departure of Revd Alan at the end of December, should you need to contact a member of the clergy team on a Monday (Revd Russ’ rest day), please call Amanda Savory, Team Administrator.
Amanda will be able to direct you to a member of the clergy team.
Food bank
Thank you all for your support for the Sole Bay Foodbank. Donations can be made at our churches in Southwold, Blythburgh, Wangford, or the shop in Walberswick. If anyone is aware of someone in need who would benefit from a food parcel, please encourage them to contact Lowestoft Foodbank phone 07307866146 or email info
Live Streaming Services
Services are live streamed from St Margaret's each week. The service can be watched via their YouTube channel. Just search for St Margaret, Reydon and subscribe for free to easily find the link each time you join our worship.
Guidance for those Attending Services - Coronavirus
If you, or a family member, are displaying any symptoms of Covid or any other infectious illness, such as a high temperature, a runny nose, a cough, a heavy cold or flu like symptoms, please stay at home and consider joining one of the live-streamed services from the comfort of your home.
Safeguarding Introduction
The care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in church activities is the responsibility of the whole church. Everyone who participates in the life of the church has a role to play in promoting a Safer Church for all.
Safeguarding is an integral part of the mission and ministry of the church in this diocese and is in line with our Growing in God strategy. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
It is our policy to:
· Promote a safer environment and culture;
· Safely recruit and support all those with any responsibility relating those groups who are at increased risk of harm or abuse within the church;
· Respond promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
· Care pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons;
· Care pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons;
· Respond to those who may pose a present risk to others.
In order to fulfil the above policy we will provide facilities to complete online DBS applications and to provide appropriate levels of safeguarding training in order to raise awareness and create an atmosphere of ‘informed vigilance’.
The diocese works collaboratively with: Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Safeguarding Children Board, Suffolk Safeguarding Adults Board and Suffolk Police Public Protection.
If a child or adult is at risk of immediate harm, call 999 now.
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